Adult Profile

for ages 20 - 100

Discover yourself:

Test your temperament! And discover the following.

Work Profile: indicates how you would approach new tasks, which assignments you would prefer and which work environment would suit you best. 

Your level of ambition, perfectionism, originality, capacity to change and affinity for systems and procedures will come to light in this profile. 

It predicts the sources of stress that would affect you in the workplace how you would get along with team members and when and where you would prefer to take over...or take leave!

Social Profile: gives clues as to how you act among friends and family and in social settings at work. 

It explores your communication style and your approach to conflict.  It reveals how you might experience emotions and how you would approach relationships in general.  It predicts whether you would prefer large groups, small groups or solitude.  It even tells about your style in front of an audience: colorful, emotional and loud or careful, factual and to the point. 

It predicts the type of people who would make you feel as though someone is chipping away at you with an axe!

Life View: will reveal if you approach life as a challenge, an adventure, a test or an opportunity to grow.  It shows whether you attack life enthusiastically or stand and wait for life to happen to you.  Which values and priorities are so central to you that they can even lead you to act contrary to your natural temperament?

Your experiences, beliefs and even pain from the past will affect this profile.  From this profile you will be able to identify your points of growth (called Fast Forward). To take these points as a challenge to grow, will set you apart as a true Tall Tree.

Leadership Profile: is a combination of the others and thus gives us a three-dimensional view of you as a leader.  We use this profile to predict your needs, the things that will bring you fulfillment, and the unique strengths that you have been blessed with.

Parenting Profile

How do you parent?

Doing the Parenting profile will help you to be the best parent you can be:

Discover your:

Discipline Profile: relates to how you handle misbehavior, rules and routine.  Here it will become evident how firm your grip is. 

Do you expect conformation and absolute obedience or are you flexible and accommodating when it comes to your child's will and choices? 

Are you a natural at laying down the law or do you find it hard to enforce consistent boundaries for your child's behavior?

Nurturing Profile: gives clues to how you handle the daily emotional and physical needs of your child.  It explores how you speak, cuddle, comfort, care and protect your child. 

It predicts how you would deal with your and your child's feelings during conflict as well as bonding times.  Will you face conflict head-on, or do your best to keep the peace? 

Mentoring Profile: relates to what you view as the key elements of good parenting.  It will reflect what you regard as success in this area of your life.  What you want to teach your child, build into his or her character and equip him or her with their journey into adulthood will become evident in this profile. 

Here you will gain insight into the aspects that may need to be adjusted in order to guide your children well.

Parenting Profile: is a combination of the other profiles and thus gives a broader view of you as a parent.  We use this profile to predict what you need to function at your best , as well as the unique strengths that you have been blessed with.

Teen Profile

for ages 12 - 19

Discover who you are especially in this phase of life:

Work Profile (at school or doing tasks at home) indicates how you would approach new taks, which assignments you would prefer and which work environment yould suit you best.

Your level of ambition, perfectionism, originality, capacity to change and affinity for systems and procedures will come to light in this profile. 

It predicts the sources of stress that would affect you in the workplace how you would get along with team members and when and where you would prefer to take over...or take leave!

Social Profile: gives clues as to how you act among friends and family and in social settings at work. 

It explores your communication style and your approach to conflict.  It reveals how you might experience emotions and how you would approach relationships in general.  It predicts whether you would prefer large groups, small groups or solitude.  It even tells about your style in front of an audience: colorful, emotional and loud or careful, factual and to the point. 

It predicts the type of people who would make you feel as though someone is chipping ways at you with an axe!

Life View: will reveal if you approach life as a challenge, an adventure, a test or an opportunity to grow.  It shows whether you attack life enthusiastically or stand and wait for life to happen to you.  Which values and priorities are so central to you that they can even lead you to act contrary to your natural temperament?

Your experiences, beliefs and even pain from the past will affect this profile.  From this profile you will be able to identify your points of growth (called Fast Forward). To take these points as a challenge to grow, will set you apart as a true Tall Tree.

Leadership Profile: is a combination of the others and thus gives us a three-dimensional view of you as a leader.  We use this profile to predict your needs, the things that will bring you fulfillment, and the unique strengths that you have been blessed with.

Kid Profile

for ages 3-11 years

Watch a nice animation video and choose how you would react in these situations.

Your child choose how he/she would react in the different situations showed in the animation video.

But to make it more accurate 

3 other people who know the child very well (mom,dad, grandma, teacher) can also do the videos to choose how you think this child will react. You will get the child's temperament tree type and with it excellent tips on how to handle this unique child.

It also give the 6 F's 

Forces within: Your child's gifts

Fields of greatness: Your child's sweet spot

Fertilizer: Your child's love needs

Frost bite: Your child's dislikes

Forest Fires: Your child's words and feelings

Fast Forward: your child's growth & discipline

Adult Workshop

Attend a workshop with an Accredited Facilitator  of Tall Trees at the farm.

Understand your results and talk about misunderstandings in your marriage and work life.

You will get a better understanding of way you act the way you do. 

And understand why some of your colleagues or family members can misunderstand you.

Talk about your:

Fields of Greatness: Tasks and situations which suit you best.  This is when YOU need to step up and take the lead.

Frostbites: Keep as far away from these frustrations.  They drain you!

Forest Fires: You are like this as a speaker, listener, friend and fighter. Lets talk!

Fast Forward: Here you can choose to do better work and have better relationships.  Are you ready to go forward fast?

Fertilizers: Make sure you have plenty of this in your life. It gives you life, smiles and extra miles

Forces Within: You make the world a better place by using these natural gifts.  It's your thing!

Marriage or Family Workshop

Let's get to know each other on a very practical way.

Tips on how to handle each other.

How to motivate each other.

To accept each other and to appreciate everyone's uniqueness in the family.

Understand your results and talk about misunderstandings in your marriage and family.

You will get a better understanding for each other and appreciate your loved ones even more.